High Heat Page 28
Svrluga, Barry. “At Last, Bound for Glory,” Washington Post, August 1, 2007.
Taaffe, William. “Gone . . . and Forgotten?” Sports Illustrated, October 26, 1987.
Telgemeier, Denis. “Lefty Grove: One of a Kind,” Oakland Athletics Official Magazine, 1986.
Thompson, Teri, Nathaniel Vinton, Michael O’Keeffe, and Christian Red. “Fall from Grace,” Sports Illustrated, April 27, 2009.
Tompkin, Marc. “Price in the Zone, Rays Out of Luck,” St. Petersburg Times, June 17, 2009.
______. “Price Makes a Leap,” St. Petersburg Times, August 5, 2009.
Treder, Steve. “Delving Into the Dalkowski Depths,” Hardball Times, May 29, 2007.
Tully, Mike. “Flame Throwers,” Play Ball! Magazine, 1996.
Verducci, Tom. “The Freak,” Sports Illustrated, July 7, 2008.
______. “Randy Johnson Will Grind Your Bones to Make His Bread,” Sports Illustrated, May 25, 2009.
______. “What’s Girardi to Do with A-Rod?” SI.com, June 19, 2009.
______. “With Vastly Improved Defense and Pitching Depth, Rangers Are for Real,” SI.com, May 20, 2009.
Weber, Bruce. “Wildly Out of Control: Is It Pitcher’s Motion, or Emotion?” New York Times, August 23, 1998.
Wentworth, John. “Speaking of Sports,” New Britain Herald, April 25, 1957.
“The Wildest Pitcher,” staff report, Time, July 18, 1960.
Wilson, Bernie. “Stephen Strasburg,” Associated Press, February 22, 2009.
Wulf, Steve. “They’re Up in Arms over Beanballs,” Sports Illustrated, July 14, 1980.
Aaron, Hank
Abbott, Jim
Abbott, Mike
Aberdeen Testing Grounds
Adams, Bruce
Agee, Tommie
Ainsmith, Eddie
Alabama-Florida League
Alexander, Grover
Alleghenies, Galvin and
Allen, Maury: on Grove
Allison, Bobby
Alou, Moises
Alston, Walter: John and
Alvin High School, Ryan and
American Academy of Pediatrics (AAP)
American Association
American League
American Legion
American Orthopedic Society, John and
American Sports Medicine Institute (ASMI)
Anaheim Stadium
Anderson, Matt: rookie year of
Anderson, Steven
Andrews, James
Andrews, Mike: on Conigliaro
Anthony, Carmelo
Arduini, John
Arizona Diamondbacks
Ashby, Alan: on Richard
ASMI. See American Sports Medicine Institute
Associated Press
Atlanta Braves
Wohlers and
Atlantic League
Avila, Ralph: on Richard
Baez, Danys: beaning by
Baker, Frank “Home Run”: Johnson and
Balance Point
Baltimore Orioles
Dalkowski and
Grove and
Shelton and
Baltimore Sun
Bannister, Floyd
Barber, Steve
Dalkowski and
Barnes, Virgil
Barney, Rex
Barrows, Bob
Baseball (Burns)
Baseball Abstract (James)
Baseball academies
Baseball America, Gillick in
Baseball Assistance Team, Dalkowski and
Baseball Encyclopedia, The
Baseball Legends of Brooklyn’s GreenWood Cemetery (Nash)
Baseball Magazine
Baseball Weekly
American League
cost of
foreign substances on
National League
Bay, Jason
Baylock, Andy: Dalkowski and
Beavers, Bob: Dalkowski and
Beckett, Josh
Beeston, Paul
Belanger, Mark
Belcher, Tim
Belinsky, Bo: Dalkowski and
Bell, Cool Papa
Benes, Andy
Berger, Mike
Bernstein, Leonard
Berry, Chuck
Berry, Ken
Berton, Joe
Bill James Handbook, The (James)
Bio-Kinetics Co.
Blair, Paul
Blankenship, Cliff
Blass, Steve
Bloomer Girls
Blue Ridge League
Bluefield Dodgers
Bodie, Frank “Ping”: quote of
Boese, Paul: quote of
Bolin, Bobby
Bolt, Becky
Bolt, Usain
Bond, Tommy
Bonds, Barry
Bonilla, Bobby
Boot, Henry: radar and
Boras, Scott: Strasburg and
Bosio, Chris
Bosman, Dick
Price and
on teaching hitting
Boston Globe, Grove in
Boston Red Sox
Grove and
Mays and
Wagner and
Boswell, Thomas: on Strasburg
Bowden, Jim: resignation of
Bradlow, Eric
Brecheen, Harry: Dalkowski and
Breeden, Hal
Brees, Drew
Bridgeport Bluefish, John and
Brito, Mike
Brooklyn Dodgers
Koufax and
Brooklyn Eagle, on Creighton
Brooklyn Robins
Brown, Gates
Brown, Kevin
Brush, John
Bruton, Bill
Buffalo Bisons, Galvin and
Buhner, Jay
Bull Durham (film)
ballpark of
memorable moments of
quote from
Burns, Ken
Byrd, Sammy “Babe Ruth’s legs,”
Cain, Pat: Dalkowski and
California Angels
Abbott and
Belinsky and
Conigliaro and
Dalkowski and
Ryan and
Cambria, Joe
Camden Yards
Cantillon, Joe
Cape Cod League
Carew, Rod
Carlton, Steve: strikeouts by
Carpenter, Chris: on Clemens
Carroll, Jamey
Cash, Norm
Cassel, Jack
Castilla, Vinny
fastballs and
intelligence of
Catlin, George
Cedeno, Cesar
Cepeda, Orlando: Gibson and
Chadwick, Henry
Chamberlain, Joba
Chapman, Aroldis
Chapman, Ray
Conigliaro and
death of
fatal beaning of
Mays and
Charlton, Norm
Chiappetta, Tom: Dalkowski and
Chicago Cubs
O’Neil and
Chicago White Sox
Choo, Shin-Soo
Christian Science Monitor, on Grove
Cincinnati Reds
Nasty Boys and
Rusie and
Clemens, Roger
fastball of
intimidation by
steroids and
stonewalling by
Clemente, Roberto
Cleveland Indians
Feller and
Cleveland Plain Dealer, on Freed
Coaching Kids for Dummies (Wolff)
Cobb, Ty
Johnson and
Mays and
Cochrane, Mickey
Coffman, Dick
Coleman, Jerry
Coleman, Leonard: RBI and
Collins, Eddie
Collins, Mary
do Rockies
Colt Stadium
Comerica Park
Conigliaro, Billy
Conigliaro, Tony
beaning of
Chapman and
comeback by
death of
Hamilton and
performance/lifestyle of
Conine, Jeff
Coolidge, Calvin
Cooper, James Fenimore
baseball and
Cooperstown Dreams Park
Costner, Kevin
Cox, Bobby
Cox News Service
Crane, Sam: on Rusie
Crawford, Carl
Crawford, Willie
Creighton, James
resting place of
Criger, Lou: on Rusie
Cronin, Joe
Crow, Aaron
Cummings, Candy
Dalkowski, Steve
alcoholism of
bet by
contract for
control and
delivery of
fastball of
file on
injury for
photo of
pitch counts and
Price and
promise of
reputation of
rookie year of
speed of
strikeouts by
Dalton, Harry
Damn Yankees (film)
Davis, Crash
philosophy of
Davis, Eric
Davis, James Whyte
Day, Leon: O’Neil on
Dean, Dizzy
Deane, Bill
Deford, Frank: on Mathewson
Delahanty, Ed
Delahanty, Jim: on Johnson
DeLeon, Jose
DeMars, Billy: Dalkowski and
Detroit Lions, Plimpton and
Detroit Tigers
Anderson and
Mays and
Devine, Bing: Ryan and
Dibble, Rob
DiBiasio, Bob
Didion, Joan: quote of
Dierker, Larry
DiMaggio, Joe
Dodger Stadium
Doerr, Bobby
Dominican Republic
baseball academy in
Paige and
prospects from
Doubleday, Abner
Dowd, “Buttermilk” Tommy
Downs, Greg
Drysdale, Don
domination by
speed of
Ducey, Rob
Duncan, Dave: on Ryan
Duncan, Frank
Dunn, Jack: Grove and
Duren, Ryne
Durham Athletic Park (DAP)
Durham Bulls
Price and
Durocher, Leo: on Robinson
Eagan, Wish
Eastwick, Rawly
Ebbets, Charles
Egan, Tom: on Ryan
Eisenberg, John
Elias Sports Bureau
Engh, Fred
Enos, Bill
ESPN: The Magazine
Estrada, Francisco
Etchebarren, Andy
on Dalkowski
Ewing, Buck: on Galvin
Excelsior Club
Farrell, Duke: on Rusie
Farrell, Turk
catchers and
danger of
mystique of
speed of
Fehr, Donald: WBC and
Feliz, Neftali
Feller, Bob
on American League baseball
barnstorming by
fastball of
field of dreams and
on Galvin
Greenberg and
Grover and
Johnson and
motorcycle test and
no-hitters by
on Paige
photo of
Ryan on
speed of
strikeouts by
youth of
Feller, Marguerite
Fenway Park
Ferguson, Joe
Ferguson, Robert “Death to Flying Things,”
Field of Dreams (film)
Field of Dreams, Los Angeles
Finch, Hayden Siddhartha
Fisher, Paul W.: on Rogan
Fleisig, Glenn
kinetic series and
on specializing
on Windup
work of
Flood, Curt
Florida State League
Fonseca, Lew
For Love of the Game (film)
Foster, George
Fox, Pete
Franchise: A History of Sports Illustrated Magazine, The (MacCambridge)
Freed, Alan
Freedman, Andrew: Rusie and
Fregosi, Jim
Fremont High School, major leaguers from
Frias, Pepe
Frick, Ford
Friedman, Andrew: Price and
Frisch, Frankie
Frommer, Harvey
Fuller, William “Shorty”: Rusie and
Galvin, James “Pud,”
death of
glycerin concoction and
pitching by
Gammons, Peter
Gandil, Chick
Garagiola, Joe
Gardiner, Mike
Garner, Phil: on Ryan
Garran, Christopher: Johnson monument and
Garvey, Steve
Gaskell, Robert “Red”: Ryan and
Gehrig, Lou
Gelband, Myra: Plimpton and
Gentry, Gary
Gibson, Bob
Cepeda and
intimidation by
Year of the Pitcher and
Gibson, Josh
Gibson, Kirk: Abbott and
Gillick, Pat
Dalkowski and
on speed
Glory of Their Times, The (Ritter)
Golenbock, Peter: on Johnson
Gomez, Lefty
Gooden, Dwight
Gorman, Bob
Goslin, Leon “Goose,”
Gossage, Rich “Goose,”
Gowdy, Curt: on Conigliaro
Gowdy, Hank
Graney, Jack
“Great Home Run Chase, The,”
Greeley, Horace
Green-Wood Cemetery
Greenbaum, John-William
Dalkowski and
on Ryan/speed
Greenberg, Hank
Feller and
Greenwood, Virginia
Greinke, Zack
Gretzky, Wayne
Griffey, Ken, Jr.
Griffin, Schoolboy
Griffith, Clark
Griffith Stadium
Grillo, J. Ed: on Johnson
Grove, Robert Moses “Lefty,”
fastball of
Feller and
intimidation by
on Simmons
teammates and
Gullickson, Bill
Gwynn, Tony: Strasburg and
Haak, Howie
Hall, Yvonne
on son
Hall of Fame’s Veterans Committee, John and
Halladay, Roy
Hamilton, Jack
Conigliaro and
restaurant of
Rodgers and
Hammel, Jason
Harrelson, Ken “Hawk,”
Harris, Bucky
Harris, Greg
Harvey, Doug: on Dalkowski
Head, Clair
Hentgen, Pat
Hernandez, Felix: speed of
Herskowitz, Mickey: on Richard
Hertz, Heinrich
Herzog, Whitey: on Ryan
Hitler, Adolf
Hobbs, Roy
Hodges, Gil: Ryan and
Hoffpauir, Micah
Holway, John
Horlen, Joel
r /> Hornsby, Rogers
House, Tom: Johnson and
Houser, James
Houston Astrodome
Houston Astros
Richard and
Wagner and
Houston Chronicle, on Richard
Houston Post
Howard, Frank
Howard, Ryan
Howard, Wilbur
Hubbard, Cal
Huber, Bill: Dalkowski and
Hughes, Phil
Indianapolis Athletic Club, Rusie and
Indianapolis National League team, Rusie and
Indianapolis Star, Rusie in
Inside Sports magazine
Institute for Diversity and Ethics in Sports
International League
It’s Academic
Jackson, Reggie
Jacobs Field
James, Bill
Jarvis, Pat
Jennings, “Hustling” Hughie
Jensen, Shane
Jeter, Derek
Jimenez, Ubaldo
Jobe, Frank
John and
John, Sally
John, Tommy
comeback by
on Gibson
injury for
rehabilitation by
surgery for
Johnson, Ban
Johnson, Ben
Johnson, Charles
Johnson, Davey
Johnson, Dick: on Conigliaro
Johnson, Hazel
Johnson, Randy
control problems for
nickname for
Johnson, Walter
Baker and
beanballs and
big games and
Cantillon and
Cobb and
dues paying by
durability of
fastball of
Feller and
nickname for
photo of
speed of
strikeouts by
Wood and
World Series and
youth of
Jones, Chipper
Jordan, Pat
Dalkowski and
on Jordan
Joseph, Knut: Paige and
Judge, Joe
Kansas City Monarchs, Paige and
Kansas City Royals
O’Neil and
Keeler, “Wee” Willie
Kelly, George “Highpockets,”
Kennedy, Adam
Kennedy, Ian
Key, Jimmy
Killibrew, Harmon
Kinsella, W. P.
Kittle, Hub: on Richard
Klem, Bill
Knowles, Darold
Koosman, Jerry
Koppett, Leonard
Koufax, Sanford “Sandy,”
breakthrough for
fastball of
perfect game by
photo of
Ryan and
speed of
Koufax (Koufax)
Kusnyer, Art: Ryan and
Laabs, Chet
LaLoosh, Ebby Calvin “Nuke,”
Lamie, Jack
Lamie, Jeff
Lamie, Sally
Langston, Mark
Lasorda, Tommy
Leavy, Jane
Lewis, Duffy
Leyland, Jim: on Zumaya
Lincecum, Tim
emergence of